

Live Longer

Live Better


We are all living longer but are we living healthy for longer. We prioritize health span. Do you have a healthy outlook? Are you training for your health marathon? Let us arm you with your personalised longevity blueprint? 

Longevity optimisation £300 includes: 

  • 45 minute appointment with our GP with special interest in menopause  

  • 45 minute online appointment with a Nutritional Therapist 

  • Personalised longevity blueprint 

Additional Options: 

Upgrade to Exclusive Membership – contact us to find out more

Upgrade to a bespoke programme – starts at £400 for 6 additional 30 minute follow up appointments for support, monitoring or health coaching. 

Blood Tests including full hormone profiling – starts at £200 

TruAge test

Scans or Imaging 

Book Now  at Ü to live better for longer